Professional Piping Systems (PPS) continues to diversify its product line and services. PPS was introduced into the municipal projects more than 5 years ago. It began with a call from a Job Order Contractor. ‘We are in jam. There is an emergency watermain break and we need a very quick response. Is Professional Piping Systems able to design and fabricate some emergency welded steel pipe repair fittings?”

Our question was simply, “What is it that you need done. What size and type of pipe is it? And our response was, ‘We located all the essential components. They will be delivered today. The fabrication shop will work through the night and we will deliver the emergency repair sections first thing in the morning.’

This was more than five years ago.

Much has changed since that call. Today, we are a Steel Pipe Fabrication Association (S.P.F.A.) certified facility. SPFA is often referenced in the body of the Steel Pipe and Steel Fittings technical specifications. It offers an assurance to the Owner that the fabricator has and will achieve a higher quality standard.

Professional Piping Systems has grown its operation not only by continuing to service those ever present “emergency contracts”, but the Design/Bid/Build (DBB), Construction Management-At-Risk (CMAR), Design/Build (D/B) and the newest of the delivery models, the Public Private Partnerships (PPP) contracts.

We offer the contractor quotes that reflect their ingenuity and know-how while following the technical guideline specifications.
The projects range from 4-inch to 120-inches in diameter. The linings and coating include cement mortar, epoxies and urethanes. The projects include those for the:
  • Pump Stations Suction/Discharge Headers and Manifolds systems
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant process yard and mechanical piping systems
  • Rerouting of existing watermains
  • Valve insertions and upgrades
  • Pipe repair assemblies
  • Slip lining portals
The equipment to support the fabrication of these contacts include:
  • Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
  • Plasma Cutting Table
  • Vernon Pipe Cutting Machine
  • Press Break
  • Pipe Positioner
  • Sub-Arc Welding Machine
  • Plate Rollers

Emergency Services

Design, Bid, Build (DBB)

Construction Management At Risk (CMAR)

Public Private Partnerships (PPP)

PPS Services